
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dhuniyeyge Aadha

މިއީ އަލްމަރްހޫމް އަލްއުސްތާޒް މުހައްމަދު ޖަމީލްދީދީ ގެ ޅެމަކުން ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ ބައިތުކޮޅެކެވެ
 ހާމަވީ ރީތި މަންޒަރު ތަކޭ ނެތި ދަނީ 
މާމަލުން އާގެ ތާޒާކަމޭ ގެެއްލެނީ      
  ދާމަގުން ދުނިޔެ ހިނގަމުން މިހިރަގެންދަނީ          
އާމަގެއްގައި ހިނގޭކަށް ނެތޭ އަންގަނީ                 
އިރާކޮޅު އެދިން ރީތި ހަނދުވަރުން
   ބިރާ މޮޅިތަކާ ވެސް ފިލާދިޔަ ފަހުން    
     އިރާދާގަ ހުރި ގުދުރަތީ ބާރަކުން          
     ދާއިރާއެއް އެހެން ހޯދުމަށް ހަނދު ދަނީ             

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   ލިބޭ ލިބުމަކާ  އެކުއެކީ ގެއްލިގެން    
  ތިބޭކަށް ނުވާނޭ މިތާނގާ މިހެން        
މާ ލިބޭ ގުލްޝަނެއް މާދުރުން ފެންނަނީ             

Thursday, November 28, 2013

O Me!

O Complaining Heart,
Stop Your bitter complaints,
and Prostrate with gratitude,
For the blessing bestowed.

O Unruly Thoughts,
Better stop and give Your way,
To the gratifying thoughts,
Peace of mind and Solace.

O You agitated soul,
Be calm within this Silence,
Be Grateful for what you have,
And whisper to God what You desire,
So He one day will answer Your Prayer

Behind the Remembrance

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Inert Desire

One of those moments. Sunken in an abyss of a bottomless pit within my self. Wanting a desire, and desiring a longing.  Longing to be with You.

Wanting you, thinking of you, missing you badly. I closed my eyes and the invisible eyes of my inner self showed me thus;

 I saw a drop of morning dew falling on to velvet petals of a bright red Rose. The flower trembled - a sensual tremble of acceptance -  to the delicate touch of the dewdrop. The dewdrop caressed gently down the velvety petals to the sweet inner core of the Rose, where it mingles with the froths of sweet nectar. 
The intimacy of the dewdrop makes the Rose blush in joyousness, making her afresh, invigorating her.

But the Dew is a drop of my Love and the Rose is You

I saw a gentle breeze of evening tide, fresh from sea caressing a lone Violet Flower. I saw the Violet shiver as the breeze kisses her gentle.The flower bowed in shyness as the breeze caressed her each delicate curve, dancing and swaying, to the rhythm of nature.
A silent sway in selflessness as a caring caress touches her.
The gentle breeze is My Caring and the Violet is You

I saw the Rays of the Sun of Morning Dawn, kissing tender on a Sunflower's face, Waking it gently to a new day ablaze. 
 The ray giving the warmth to the Flower shivering in cold standing in a dark cold night. The Ray makes the Sunflower cheery and luscious. Invigorating it, opening its beauty to the world to see.
But the Sunflower is You and The ray is just a bit of my Love's Warmth

All these and more I saw. 
As Me and You. 
A Dream to dream. 
A Hope to hope. 
A Love to love.
Secretly held within, 
While being grateful for what is destined. 
And Destiny shall be my Dream.
Dream, Hope, Faith.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This Ship shall sail


I had set my sails, I had directed my rudder and i had named my passion. I am a sailor of my own self.

I had to brave devastating storms, thunders and typhoons,tornadoes and cyclones. I was sailing a ship to safety on a rough weather.It seems all tornados, cyclones and storms have hit me all at once and one after other. If a day of calmness and sunshine came it was followed by a week of gloominess and painful storms. Sometimes I was thrown aback, sometimes i was thrown out to merciless waves just to find myself on-board thanks to an innate strength in me hitherto unknown.

Sea-sickness has no room in a battle to keep sanity. Also there is no room for finery. Tasty wine loses its appeal when you know with the last drop of it, you will be left for a lifetime with the rusty metallic taste of the cup that bears that wine. So It was thirst that makes me drink and hunger that makes me eat - an epitome of human weakness.

Yet, I was like a blind, hapless and helpless sailor who has only faith and hope that he can sail this ship to calm waters and a safe harbor.

That was my life, past year or so.

Now, the sea seems calm and the storms seems subsided.Sun seems to smile with a warmth. Yet, there are strong swirling under-currents underneath this ship and one mis-step may cause me to fall outboard into that torrent. A storm may brew in any minute, even in a teacup!

And this calmness doesn't ease this sailor's heart. For its a heart that craves to brave the storms, to make the journey and to anchor and harbour this ship where the heart's passion lies.

This ship shall reach that destiny! For faith with hope has never brought a disappointment to this sailor. 

Perseverance, till time changes tides.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Will Power & God's Grace

"Khudi ko kar baland itna,
Keh har Taqdeer sey pehley,
Khuda bandey sey khud poocchey,
Bata, 'Teri razaa kya hei?'"
Translation :
"Endow your Will with such power,
That at every turn of fate it so be,
That God Himself asks of His slave,
'What is it that pleases thee?'
 Allama Mohamed Iqbal 
(Persian/Urdu Poet)

Power of Will-Power, undeterred determination, hope and strength of strong Faith expressed nicely and concisely in one verse of a poem. 

God always asks of his Slaves, if only we speak to him through our prayers and Duas. And Dua is the only weapon that can change fate or what is decreed, as per Scholars of Prophetic Hadeeth.

So make Dua so Almighty God hears "what pleases thee" direct from your lips. Let Him hears the earnest prayers and Duas of his Slave. Though he is All-Knowing, tell Him, ask of Him.

May God accept our prayer, fulfil our wishes and accept our Duas.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dua for Start and End of Hijri (Islamic) Year

1) Dua for End of Hijri Year

Translation of the Du’aa
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
And May the peace and blessing of Allah, be upon Our Master Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his family and companions.
O Allah, whatever actions I have committed this past year which You have forbidden me from, which I have not repented from, and you have not been pleased with nor do you forget, while You are forbearing with me , though You are fully capable of punishing me, while You called me to repentance after my foolishness before You in committing sins – O Allah, I surely seek Your forgiveness for that, so forgive me ! O Allah, as for my actions that have pleased You in this year and for which reward has been promised, then I ask You O Allah! O Most Generous, O Owner of Majesty and Reverance, that You accept them from me. And do not dash my hopes in You. O Most Generous! And Allah, the Most Exalted, bless our Master Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his family and companions and grant them peace.

2) Dua for Start of Hijri New Year

Translation of the Du’aa
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
And May the peace and blessing of Allah, be upon Our Master Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his family and companions.
O Allah You are the everlasting, the eternal, the first! And our reliance is upon Your Great Grace and Generosity! And this new year has arrived, we ask Your protection in it from the shaytan and his allies and his armies! And we ask You for Your support against this soul which incites to evil and Your support in pre-occupying ourselves with that which draws us close to You! O Owner of Majesty and Reverance! And Allah, the Most Exalted, bless our Master Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his family and companions and grant them peace.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Heart whispers

I have said it before, but I will say again,
I miss you now, like I miss you then
Just a few feet away or a mile,
I wish I could see your smile.

A year ago I felt same as I do now
I want you, but I could not allow.
I was taken but you were alone,
Ah! These rhythm of fates forlorn.

I thought long back then it wasnt there,
I thought later that love wouldn't care.
I think now that my heart is here,
In truth my heart is nowhere near.